
Orchard Vet's Blog

International Friendship Day


The 30th of July is International Friendship Day so we took the opportunity to ask you for wholesome gotcha stories, adoption stories and recovery stories to celebrate you and your furry besties.

Throughout July we’ve been sharing some of our favourites on our Facebook page. For those of you who don’t follow us yet here’s a little preview of what you’ve been missing out on.


Korky was adopted in January 2023 along with his sister Nutmeg by Rosie and her husband after they sadly lost their previous furbaby Purrdy. A few months later Korkys owners noticed his stomach was swelling and, after a visit to see Emma the vet he was diagnosed with wet FIP and given a life expectancy of just five weeks.

Korky had brought joy back into his owners' lives so, along with Emma, they researched treatment and came up with a plan to tackle the FIP by using a newly licensed drug. For 84 days Korky dutifully took his medicine as if he knew his owners were helping him and we’re pleased to say that by the end of his treatment he was finally cured.

Korky is our first patient to be successfully treated for FIP and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have helped him to return to the cheeky kitten that first came home to Rosie and her husband.


Charlie has been seeing our vet Angela following a diagnosis of Canine immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA) at the end of 2023.

After initially presenting with a high temperature that later developed into a swelling of the joints, Charlie underwent intensive testing to ensure no stone was left unturned. After his diagnosis, Anglea developed a treatment plan that has seen Charlie come on leaps and bounds. Only a few months ago he was in so much pain he could barely stand up – npw he's back to being the cheeky spaniel we all know and love!

Kipling & Kooper

Kipling was handed into our Oldbury branch by a member of the public back in October with a sore and inflamed eye. A typical kitten, Kipling was lively and playful and it didn’t take long for his cheeky nature to captivate our Eve who took him on as her own. Less than one month later tiny Kooper was found in a shoe box in a bin and handed in to us by another member of the public. We estimated that Kooper was around 4 weeks old upon his arrival and was lethargic with a raised temperature. Initially fostered by vet nurse Leanne, it didn’t take long for Eve to fall in love with him too.

Now both Kipling and Kooper and fit and healthy and living their best lives as adopted brothers in their new home!


Handsome Hunter (aka Chuntz!) here had been through the rehoming process twice before being adopted by his current family in 2019. Although slightly crazy in nature, Hunter is a lovely boy who we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know quite well over the years.

If you’d like to share your pet success story with us, pop it in an email to and make sure you give us a follow on Facebook!