
Orchard Vet's Blog

Busy, busy, busy!


Day-to-day life can be quite hectic at times, so it’s not surprising that the odd thing or two gets forgotten! It is important though to maintain your pets nose to tail routine care to help keep them in the best of health.

Our friendly, compassionate and professional team provide first-class veterinary treatment for your pets along with advice for our clients. Find below our checklist to help you get what needs to be done! If you would like further details on any item, just give us a call or pop in for a chat – we would love to see you!

Tick the list;

Fleas, ticks & other irritating parasites: Maintaining regular and effective treatments will help keep these nibbling nasties away. We can suggest one suitable for your pet's lifestyle.

Worming: when was the last time you wormed your pet? Get rid of the wiggle with the recommended 3-6 months treatment.

Booster vaccinations: Are they due or overdue? Call us now to book an appointment

Kennel cough vaccination: If your dog goes to daycare, training classes or other events where they mingle with lots of canine friends, or will be in boarding kennels, consider this intra-nasal vaccine for protection.

Time to pop on the scales: An overweight pet can be at risk of heart disease, arthritis and diabetes. We can advise on diet, and suitable exercise and provide regular weigh-ins.

Teeth: Regular checks and dental care help prevent tooth decay, and gum disease and keep breath fragrant! Ask us about how to keep your pet's mouth in tip-top condition.

Ears: Notice any excess scratching, head shaking or a nasty odour? There could be a problem brewing! Book an appointment so we can take a look.

Nails: Time for a manicure? One of our trained nurses will be able to assist and if your pet is shy or scared to have a nail clip we are here to help them through the experience.

Last but not least – have you joined our pet health plan? Our Pal For Life pet health scheme saves you time and money, so ask reception for full details!