
Orchard Vet's Blog

Smile! Its Pet Dental Health Month


Smile! Its Pet Dental Health Month

You may not think too much about your pets' pearly whites but dental health and oral hygiene is a huge part of keeping your pet healthy no matter what size or species.

Cleaning your pet’s teeth is the most effective way to prevent oral health problems, and regular brushing may help save money in the long run. A clean and healthy mouth reduces your pet’s risk of them developing dental diseases such as gingivitis but also, much like with humans, can combat stubborn plaque and bad breath.

The idea of cleaning your pet’s teeth may be daunting, but we’ve put together some handy tips to help.

Step 1: With cats and dogs you should start by using your finger to brush the side of their face next to their mouth.

Step 2: Once they get used to this you can progress to rubbing their teeth and then introducing a small amount of animal toothpaste.

Step 3: Eventually you may be able to introduce a toothbrush to their teeth cleaning routine. 

The gold standard of dental care means cleaning your pet’s teeth every day, though 2-4 times a week will help to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Remember to seek veterinary advice before brushing your pet’s teeth as they will require special toothpaste and brush!

Signs of a problem with your pet’s mouth or teeth might include smelly breath, difficulty eating or loss of appetite, redness or bleeding around the gums, excess drooling or even pawing or rubbing at the mouth. If you notice a problem with your pet's mouth call your local branch to book a consultation with one of our vets